Watcher of the South
- WATCHER OF THE SOUTH - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears in the book, "The Dream of X," by William Hope Hodgson, published by Grant in 1977. This drawing also appears in "Masters of the Weird Tale: Hodgson," by Centipede Press, 2009.
Is it possible for some form of "life" to exist other than the kind we living creatures on Earth experience? A soul-less thing having awareness and volition? That alien concept was what I had in mind when I drew the strange creatures in this novel.
One of my goals in this website was to inform you of how I went about drawing some of the pictures that appear here. But the fact is, no matter what tools I used, or what art principles I applied, or what concept I came up with, it was the visual esthetic quality of the drawing that I produced, that mattered. And the key producer of artwork is "talent," which is that mysterious bugger inside us that I cannot explain.
There are no strict rules about producing pictures and no two artists go about illustrating a book in the exact same way because each artist has a different mind-set, imagination, and craftsmanship.
No other artist, in the past, in the present, or in the future, could have produced the artwork that I did for this book. Which is why this book is unique, which is why any book produced by any artist is unique.
What really matters is that I enjoyed reading and doing the artwork for this book, and I hope that those who purchased it not only enjoyed the reading experience, but also enjoyed looking at my artwork.

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